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Walt Heyer
The people I have worked with, 100 percent of the time, … they can identify the very specific thing that occurred in their life that caused them to not want to be who they are and they adopted across gender behaviour as a way of coping with the incident or issue or continued issues that happened to them when they were younger.
Frank Turek
When there is a mismatch between your mind and you body, you don’t change your body. … We would never say to an anorexic: “Yes, you are right. You are overweight”. We would say: “Honey, your mind is playing tricks on you.” … you don’t fix a mental problem with surgery. You fix it with psychiatry, with prayer, with counseling.
One huge flaw in transgender ideology | Frank Turek #Shorts
Hoekom moet kinders oor hulle geslag kan besluit wanneer hulle nog hulle bed natmaak, nie kan stem nie, nie ‘n motorkar kan bestuur nie, en nie toegelaat word om gewere te besit nie?