Charles Haddon Spurgeon (19 Junie 1834 – 31 Januarie 1892) was ’n behoudende Engelse Baptiste prediker.
Better a brief warfare and eternal rest, than false peace and everlasting torment.
Eerder ’n kort oorlog en ewige rus as valse vrede en ewige pyniging.
“commonly it is found in theology that that which is true is not new, and that which is new is not true.”
Dit word algemeen in die teologie gevind dat dit wat waar is nie nuut is nie, en dit wat nuut is nie waar is nie.
“Some speak of new developments as though we had not discovered the whole Christian religion yet; but the religion of Paul is the religion of every person who is taught by the Holy Spirit. We must not, therefore, indulge for a moment the idea that something has been discovered that might correct the teaching of Christ, that some new philosophy or discovery has arisen to correct the declared testimony of our Redeemer. Let us hold tightly to the faith that was once delivered unto the saints.”
“A time will come when instead of shepherds feeding the sheep, the church will have clowns entertaining the goats”
‘n Tyd sal kom wanneer in plaas van herders wat die skape voer, die kerk narre sal hê wat die bokke vermaak