Kyk ook:
Varkgriep is mos ’n nuwe virus, ’n supervirus. Is dit dan nie bewys vir evolusie nie? Die ding het nie net verander nie, maar nog verbeter ook. Of was varkgriep nog altyd daar? Volgens die Bybel kom alles en almal van Noag en sy familie. Was varkgriep dan saam op die ark?
Daar is 3 maniere hoe bakterieë immuun teen antibiotika kan word sonder evolusie:
- Sommige kieme is reeds bestand. Antibiotika sal dus alle bakterieë uitwis behalwe hierdie en ’n nuwe spesie sal ontstaan wat weerstand het.
- Weerstand teen antibiotika kan oorgedra word na ander bakterieë (selfs verskillende spesies)
- Bakterieë kan die vermoë verloor om antibiotika te absorbeer.
Wat heel moontlik in die geval van varkgriep gebeur het is dat hierdie virus DNS-inligting van ’n ander virus gekopieër het. En dit is nou nie ’n grap nie, inteendeel dit is baie wetenskaplik. ’n Gewone griepvirus het moontlik in aanraking gekom met ’n dodelike varkvirus en sy inligting gekopieër. Dus het jy nou ’n nuwe virus met die eienskappe van beide virusse:
- ’n Dodelike virus wat eers net in varke voorgekom het.
- ’n Virus wat deur mense gedra word ander aansteek soos griep. Dus, geen nuwe genetiese inligting het spontaan ontstaan nie, dus geen evolusie nie!
Genetiese inligting het egter nie vermeerder nie en is daarom nie ’n bewys vir evolusie nie.
Verdere leeswerk
- Swine flu-Is it evidence of evolution?
- Superbugs not super after all (hoe virusse weerstand teen antibiotika kan opbou SONDER evolusie.)
- Has AIDS evolved?
- The adaptation of bacteria to feeding on nylon waste
- National Geographic is wrong and so was Darwin (H. Pylori)
- Pesticide resistance is not evidence of evolution
- Anthrax and antibiotics: Is evolution relevant?
- Diseases on the Ark
- Rapid tomcod ‘evolution by pollution’? Yeah, right … and wrong
Is die skepping-evolusie kwessie belangrik?
Die volgende is ’n aanhaling uit CMI slammed over Singapore slammer:
At another venue mid-week, the question time was driven largely by an elderly gentleman who asked questions such as, ‘Was it fair that the animals should have been cursed along with man, because of the man’s sin?’ and ‘If we are made in God’s image, does that mean God has eyes, hands and feet as we do?’ and ‘With all these people all over the world praying at the same time, how can God possibly hear them all at once?’ To conclude the evening, David presented slides showing how the ancient Chinese characters point to the events of Eden, and our salvation in Christ. The elderly gentleman became more and more excited, pointing at the projected characters on the screen, then jumped up and effusively shook Dr Catchpoole’s hand—David said the gentleman’s eyes were ‘shining brightly’, that he was ‘positively effervescent’! The pastor told David later that the elderly gentleman was a new convert—he had been a ‘staunch Buddhist’ until just a few months ago.
But probably the best feedback of all came after one of David’s seminar presentations early on during this ministry tour, where the brother of a Christian lady (she’d brought him along) said after the presentation: ‘I no longer have any reason to not believe!’
Says David: ‘Despite the flak that CMI speakers receive from time to time, it’s comments like that one which so encourage us to not give up, but keep on going.’