Daar is baie mense wat glo dat die skepping-evolusie kwessie bloot ’n randkwessie is, dat dit nie belangrik is nie. Dit is egter nie waar nie. Daar is baie voorbeelde van mense wie se geloof beïnvloed is deur evolusie (en liberalisme). Daarop sê party mense selfs dat dit moontlik vir ander mense ’n probleem is, maar nie vir hulle self nie. Dit mag so wees, maar is dit nie soos ’n persoon sonder ’n drankprobleem wat drank drink voor alkoholiste nie?
Ek dink baie mense vandag neem hulle sterk Christelike basis as vanselfsprekend aan: daar is baie Christene wat grootgeword het met die idee dat Genesis 1 tot 11 letterlik gebeur het, maar later in hulle lewe het hulle vrede daarmee gemaak dat dit nie noodwendig letterlik geïnterpreteer moet word nie. Vir sulke mense is hierdie kwessie ’n randkwessie, want so iets “kleins” sal hulle nie van hulle geloof beroof nie. Maar wat van mense wat groot geword het met die idee dat die Bybel eintlik in die begin so bietjie verkeerd is…?
Die volgende is voorbeelde van mense wie se geloof beïnvloed is deur evolusie:
- Wie is Dan Brown?
- From atheist to Christian (Kirk Cameron)
- Breaking the shackles of evolutionary propaganda (Nathan van Ree)
- Creation: Why It Matters
- Slippery slide to unbelieve (Charles Templeton)
- Sonia’s Testimony
- Response to gay marriage article objections; CMI shows questioner that Christian faith is logical (Lita Cosner)
- A testimony: ‘Joel Gavin’
- Ancient mutant Jamaican sea cows? (Leaton Jay)
- Street preacher says creation ‘is the issue’ (getuienis van straatevangelis)
- ‘I don’t believe!!!’ (A young man’s tragic slide into darkness started with trying to make the Bible fit with evolution.)
- Crisis in the colleges
- The Creation Couple
- You have changed my life!
- It angers me how long I have been duped
- The greatness of knowing the truth
- The Power of Polite Questioning
- Friends telling friends about the Truth
- A youth minister at an Anglican church in Victoria
- What was Martin Luther’s stand on Creation/Evolution?
- My amazing paradigm change
- Creation: antidote for depression
- The Importance of Evidence
- Evolution-the ultimate antidote to spirituality
- CMI slammed over Singapore slammer (heel onder aan die artikel)
- From (theistic) evolution to creation (Prof. J. Rendle-Short)
- Knowing Christ through creation evangelism
- Sharing your faith
- Creation: Timely tool for today’s evangelist
- Exposing Evolution’s Icon (Jonathan Sarfati praat met Felix Konotey-Ahulu)
- Christians, planning your next retreat? How about an advance instead?
- Losing faith: how secular scholarship affects scholars (Bart Ehrman, James Strange, Lawrence Schiffman, William Dever)
- Facing the issue
- Christian’s Christian testimony
- Biblical creation impedes evangelism? Plus yet another uninformed atheist
- Why use apologetics for evangelism? (A creationist inquirer plays devil’s advocate and asks why we bother with apologetics, or defending the faith, at all, whether presuppositionalist or evidentialist.)
- Why do we need to look outside the Bible?
- Why wouldn’t God use evolution?
- I have the Bible—what more do I need?
- Caged lions…
- Carl Wieland se getuienis (Uit sy boek Walking Through Shadows, Carl Wieland, bl. 34-38)
- Calvin Smith se getuienis
- Repliek: Postmoderne mens wil in eietydse taal nadink oor God (Abel Pienaar in Rapport)
- Creation rescued me from drugs
- Why not? And why?
- Creation evangelism: cutting through the excess
- Why do children lose their trust in the Bible?
- The Battle of Chang-Sha
- Tom Holland
Penny G
Dankie vir u (CMI) bediening wat my in staat gestel het om een van my vriende na die HERE te lei. Sonder CMI sou dit nie moontlik gewees het nie, want sy wat ’n oortuigde ateïs. Ek het nie baie ondervinding om te evangeliseer nie. Ons het egter vir om en by ’n jaar gesprekke gevoer oor skepping/evolusie en baie kwessies indringend bespreek voordat haar “skietgoed” opgeraak het, en sy by Jesus uitgekom het. Sy woon nou dienste saam met my by en probeer ook uitreik na haar eie familie. Julle wonderlike bediening het my geloof baie versterk.
Irene M
Ek weet van verskeie mense wat tot geloof in die Here gekom het deur julle bediening. Andere wie se geloof amper skipbreuk gelei het deur die intimidasie van evolusioniste, staan nou sterk in die geloof. Deur die Here se genade is dit my voorneme om CMI meer dikwels finansieel te ondersteun.
Justin S
Liewe CMI, ek kan nie my dankbaarheid in woorde uitdruk nie. Drie jaar gelede, na ’n lang stryd met selfmoord-gedagtes as ’n ateïs, het ek uiteindelik ’n Christen geword … Julle bediening het my lewe gered.
Joe J
Nagenoeg vyf jaar gelede het een van u sprekers ons gemeente besoek. Ek het altyd aanvaar dat Darwiniste die wetenskap aan hulle kant het, terwyl Christene alleen staat kan maak op eenvoudige – amper blinde – geloof. Die spreker het die fondament van my wêreld geskud … Ek verbind myself om CMI gereeld te ondersteun. Die Here seën u.
Michael M
I was an atheist and evolutionist for fifty years. It amazes me how many Christians think that evolution is compatible with Christianity. If I was still an evolutionist then I would still be an atheist. I know from years of experience that belief in evolution is one of the main reasons why people reject Christianity. CMI is not a stumbling block, it is a life saver.
Jeremy S
Your writings played a big part in me becoming a Christian so I just wanted to say thanks for that. I have a very keen interest in creation, which started when my older brother got me a subscription to Creation magazine about 6 years ago.
Ian K
Hi, I just wanted to let you guys know how Creation Ministries was instrumental in my decision to follow Christ. About 27 years ago I was what I considered a devout atheist, I disliked people of any religion, considering them as weak and ill … [A] Christian also handed my friend some Creation magazines which of course were then handed to me. At first, I thought this was ridiculous because science had already proved evolution. I soon saw that the more I looked at the evidence for creation and the gaping holes in the evolution story, the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle of life started to fall into place. I came to believe in the Creator God of the Bible and that if I didn’t do something about it soon I was going to miss the boat when He came back. I have been an avid subscriber to Creation magazine since and use the evidence for creation in all my witnessing. May God continue to bless CMI and all who use their ministry.
(Uit Creation nuusbrief, September 2018)