Kyk ook:
- Om vertroosting te vind in die dood van ’n geliefde
- Selfmoord-lot (Isak Burger, 18 Des 2003)
- Met wie vergelyk jy jouself?
Die Bybel noem vier mense wat selfmoord gepleeg het:
- Saul (1 Samuel 31:4)
- Agitofel (2 Samuel 17:23)
- Simri (1 Konings 16:18)
- Judas (Matteus 27:5)
Nie een van hulle was gerespekteerde mense nie. Dit was nie mense wat op God vertrou het nie.
Selfs gerespekteerde mense in die Bybel het egter soms selfmoordgedagtes gehad:
- Elia (1 Konings 19:4)
- Jona (Jona 4:3)
- Jeremia (Jer 20:14-18)
- Job (Job 3:11,20-22)
Dit is egter nog ver van selfmoord.
Ravi Zacharias het soos volg geantwoord op ’n vraag oor selfmoord:
I wish I had an absolute answer to you give to you. I just say this: I would not want to meet the Lord after I have taken my life. The reason is in Genesis 9:6 murder is called the ultimate attack upon the image of God, that is what murder is, you have violated the image of God. So if I violate the image of God in someone else, or in myself, it is the ultimate act of lack of faith and without faith it is impossible to please God. So I would say I would not want to meet him on those terms.
(Uit Dr Ravi Zacharias Does suicide send you to Hell, Youtube)
Verdere bronne
- Exit – the appeal of suicide (Fliek deur Living Waters)
- DON’T END YOUR LIFE (Living Waters, Youtube)
- You Are Not Alone: Hope for Your Depression (Living Waters, Youtube)