Tom Holland

Tom Holland het as ‘n Christen groot geword. Sy ma was a Christen en veral sy peetma was ‘n toegewyde Christen, maar sy pa was ‘n ateïs.

As ‘n jong seun het hy egter begin twyfel in die Christelike geloof. Hy skryf:

When I was a boy, my upbringing as a Christian was forever being weathered by the gale force of my enthusiasms. First, there were dinosaurs. I vividly remember my shock when, at Sunday school one day, I opened a children’s Bible and found an illustration on its first page of Adam and Eve with a brachiosaur. Six years old I may have been, but of one thing – to my regret – I was rock-solid certain: no human being had ever seen a sauropod. That the teacher seemed not to care about this error only compounded my sense of outrage and bewilderment. A faint shadow of doubt, for the first time, had been brought to darken my Christian faith.

Uit Tom Holland: Why I was wrong about Christianity (14 Sep 2016)

Dit het veroorsaak dat hy, soos sy pa, ‘n ateïs geword het.

Later het hy egter besef dat die samelewing nie sonder God kan oorleef nie.

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